已故樂壇天王米高積遜(Michael Jackson)嘅二哥 Tito Jackson,突然傳出於15號離世,終年70歲。
Tito Jackson因心臟病發猝逝,終年70歲。
Tito 生前最後嘅一篇帖文,就係去 Michael Jackson紀念碑前致意。
Tito嘅死訊由其前經理人Steve Manning證實,據指Tito係由新墨西哥州,揸車前往俄克拉荷馬州時,於途中心臟病發作猝逝。而Tito於社交平台最後嘅帖文,則係佢喺慕尼黑演出前,同幾兄弟去到Michael Jackson紀念碑前致意嘅照片。Tito離世嘅消息傳出後,唔少歌迷喺呢篇帖文下留言:「with your brother now Tito, my heart is broken💔💔💔」、「Rest in peace Tito. Thank you for the amazing musical legacy. Rest in peace. Sending love to all the Jackson family🙏🏻」。
The Jackson 5
Tito Jackson於家中排行第三,係米高積遜嘅二哥,當年佢哋5兄弟組成樂團「The Jackson 5」,米高積遜擔任主音,而Tito Jackson則擔任結他手。Tito與三名兒子。
It’s with heavy hearts that we announce that our beloved father, Rock & Roll Hall of Famer Tito Jackson is no longer with us. We are shocked, saddened and heartbroken. Our father was an incredible man who cared about everyone and their well-being. Some of you may know him as Tito Jackson from the legendary Jackson 5, some may know him as “Coach Tito” or some know him as “Poppa T.” Nevertheless, he will be missed tremendously. It will forever be “Tito Time” for us. Please remember to do what our father always preached and that is “Love One Another.” We love you Pops.
Your boys,
Taj, Taryll and TJ